There is expectancy in the air as we head into spring. Our spirits soar with the rise in temperature and we actually start planning our weekends. It’s time to dust off the outdoor gear and acknowledge that the surf’s up! If your brain is as rusty as your winter body, you may need some assistance with fresh ideas or some help with planning Cousin Sue and Uncle Bob’s annual holiday visit.
You’ll be surprised how much there is to see and do on the Cape Point Route, but if you don’t know or if the choices are overwhelming then let the Cape Point Route team help ease you into the outdoor bustle of summer. They’ve been there and done that, and have the local knowledge and experience to select the best wave breaking beaches,
hiking trails, adrenalin activities or romantic getaways to suit your needs.
Winnie the Pooh once said "When you see someone putting on big boots, you can be sure an adventure is about to happen". That’s almost a guarantee if you tackle the mountains of the peninsula – be it hiking from Hout Bay, clambering to a Kalk Bay Cave, wandering the wetlands or a meandering stroll along the catwalk. Professional guides can take you to some lesser known mountain locations. Grab a bike and do it on wheels – wind in your hair, mountains on one side, sea on the other- biking on the road or the mountains is a great way to get in summer shape whilst experiencing the magnificence of the Cape Point Route. There’s horse riding on Noordhoek Beach, golf, tennis, sand boarding and adventure courses, or experience the area from a WWII vintage sidecar!
On the water the easy option is a boat or Jet Ski trip. Trips go to Seal Island and Cape Point, around Simon’s Town harbour and there’s still time to do a whale watching trip. Try jet-skiing in Hout Bay for a new thrill. For more action try surfing. Lessons available in Muizenberg or find a new surf spot, sea kayak to the penguins, head out on a fishing trip to bag a big one or learn to kite surf. If getting wet isn’t your idea of fun, get the thrills of kite surfing with a land sailing encounter! It is worth immersing yourself in the water by taking a dive course and discovering the kelp forests, shipwrecks, coral gardens and deep reefs that surround our coastline.
Families should consider scratching for gemstones at Scratch Patch or climbing to the top of Slangkoppunt lighthouse in Kommetjie. Whizz up to the lighthouse at Cape Point in the funicular or take the kids to Imhoff Farm or Noordhoek Farm Village where parents can relax while the kids play safely.
For more info call the team on 021 782 9356 or visit the website: www.capepointroute.co.za
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