The 2010 event has begun and WOW what a weekend. The black and white of this major event may ultimately lie with the winning and loosing teams but Cape Point Route is living the colour through the spirit and the flags and the vuvuzelas and our support nation wide of Bafana Bafana.
Fans have been delighted with some fantastic football all over South Africa and they have soaked up the carnival atmosphere that has been evident on every street corner with an increased intensity in and around the stadia on match days. But practical issues, results and fixtures are still being requested so in this blog some of the black and white stuff in facts – weekend results, world cup matches this week and the stadium etiquette – what you can and can’t take into the stadium!
WEEKEND RESULTS: 1. South Africa vs Mexico (1:1)
2. Uruguay vs France (0:0)
3. Korea Republic vs Greecs (2:0)
4. Argentina vs Nigeria (1:0)
5. England vs USA (1:1)
6. Algeria vs Slovenia (0:1)
7. Serbia vs Ghana (0:1)
8. Germany vs Australia (4:0)
1. Netherlands vs Denmark: 13h30 in Johannesburg – JSC
2. Japan vs Cameroon: 16h00 in Manguang/Bloemfontein
3. Italy vs Paraguay: 20h30 in Cape Town
TUESDAY 15/06/2010
1. New Zealand vs Slovakia: 13h30 in Rustenburg
2. Côte d ‘Ivoire vs Portugal: 16h00 in Nelson Mandela Bay/ Port Elizabeth
3. Brazil vs Korea DPR: 20h30 in Johannesburg – JEP
WEDNESDAY 16/06/2010
1. Honduras vs Chile: 13h30 in Nelspruit
2. Spain vs Switzerland: 16h00 in Durban
3. South Africa vs Uruguay: 20h30 in Tswane/ Pretoria
THURSDAY 17/06/2010
1. Argentina vs Korea Republic: 13h30 in Johannesburg – JSC
2. Greece vs Nigeria: 16h00 in Manguang/Bloemfontein
3. France vs Mexico: 20h30 in Polokwane
FRIDAY 18/06/2010
1. Germany vs Serbia: 13h30 in Nelson Mandela Bay/ Port Elizabeth
2. Slovenia vs USA: 16h00 in Johannesburg – JEP
3. England vs Algeria: 20h30 in Cape Town.
STADIUM RULES & CODE OF CONTACT: Very simply put one cannot take weapons into the stadium, no camera or technical equipment that will be used commercially, no food (as food is sold there); no alcohol, no drugs, no bottles or cans; no large objects, no umbrellas & no pets!
Here are the details as found on the
FIFA website: http://www.fifa.com/worldcup/organisation/ticketing/stadiumcodeofconduct.html
Entry to the stadium:
Stadium Visitors and Accredited Persons shall cooperate with the Authorities, by:
a) producing a Ticket or an Accreditation and, as requested by the FIFA World Cup Stadium Authorities, proof of identity; and
b) submitting to inspections, body checks and removal of items that are prohibited to use, possess, hold or bring into the Stadium on Match days
Prohibited Items:
Unless otherwise authorized by the FIFA World Cup Authorities in writing, Stadium Visitors and Accredited Persons are not permitted to use, possess, hold or bring into the Stadium the following Prohibited Items:
• No weapons.
• No bottles, cups, jugs or cans.
• No recording of sound images or footage other than for private use.
• No alcohol or drugs.
• No racist or xenophobic material eg t-shirts or flags.
• No entering the pitch or area around the pitch.
• No banners or flags larger than 2m x 1.5m.
• No promotional or commercial material.
• No umbrellas.
• No motorcycle helmets.
• No food or drink.
• No gas, spray cans, corrosives or anything that could cause fire.
• No fireworks.
• No standing on seats.
• No excessive noise; megaphone, hooters or gas powered horns. Vuvuzelas are allowed. Kuduzelas are not allowed.
• No selling of goods or tickets.
• No animals.
• No transmitting or broadcasting of sound, pictures, descriptions or results of the events via the Internet or other forms of media.
• No objects which could compromise public safety.
• No big objects which cannot be stowed under the seat.
Common Sense Conduct inside the Stadium:
All Stadium Visitors and Accredited Persons shall, at all times during their stay in the Stadium, conduct themselves in a manner so as not to offend, endanger the safety, or unnecessarily hinder or harass other Stadium Visitors and/or Accredited Persons.
All Stadium Visitors must occupy only the seat indicated on their Ticket and shall access it only via the designated entrance unless otherwise directed by the FIFA World Cup Authorities. For security reasons and to avert danger, Stadium Visitors shall move to seats other than those allocated, whether in the same or another section of the Stadium, if instructed to do so by the FIFA World Cup Authorities.
All access stairways and emergency exits must be kept clear at all times to the best possible extent.
All Stadium Visitors and Accredited Persons are requested not to drop litter, packaging or empty containers, but to dispose of such items in the appropriate litter bins inside the Stadium.
Smoking is only permitted in designated areas. In any case smoking will be prohibited in the Stadium stands and in the area around the pitch.
Furthermore, unless otherwise authorized by the FIFA World Cup Authorities, Stadium Visitors and Accredited Persons shall not:
a) enter the pitch or the area around the pitch;
b) stand on seats in the spectator areas or unreasonably obstruct the view of other spectators;
c) throw objects or liquids of any kind, particularly in the direction of another person or in the direction of the area around the pitch or the pitch itself;
d) start a fire, let off or launch fireworks, flares, smoke powder, smoke bombs or other pyrotechnics;
e) engage in conduct which expresses racist, xenophobic, cause, charity or ideological concern related views, which could impair the enjoyment of the Event by other spectators, or detract from the sporting focus of the Event;
f) act in a way which may be interpreted by others as provocative, threatening, discriminatory or offensive;
g) offer for sale or sell goods or Tickets, distribute printed material or make collections;
h) create any threat to the life or safety of oneself or others, or harm anyone else in any way whatsoever;
i) cause damage to anyone or anything at any time;
j) climb on or over structures and installations not intended for general use, particularly facades, fences, walls, fencing, barriers, lighting masts, camera platforms, trees, masts of any kind and roofing;
k) restrict or impede circulation, footpaths and roadways, entrances and exits to visitor areas and emergency exits, or obstruct or interfere with zones open to traffic;
l) access areas (e.g. function rooms, VIP and media areas, etc.) which are closed to the public or for which access is unauthorised (except with proper access passes);
m) write or paint on or affix anything to structural elements, installations or pathways;
n) relieve oneself anywhere other than in the toilets, or litter the stadium by discarding objects such as rubbish, packaging, empty containers, etc;
o) record (except for private purposes), transmit, or in any other manner disseminate over the internet or any other media, including mobile devices, any sound, image, description, or result of any event taking place within the Stadium, in whole or in part, or assist any other person(s) conducting such activities; commercially exploit any photographs or images taken within the Stadium;
p) engage in other activities which could compromise public safety and/or harm the reputation of the Event, as assessed at the sole discretion of the FIFA World Cup Authorities and/or any other legally-authorized persons.