And while I am blogging again - the Cape Point Route has just received another good news story from Baboon Matters - sent to us by Jenni Trethowan. Great to hear a feel good story.
"There are so many BAD NEWS stories at the moment, in fact it seems that our lives are dominated by talk of natural disasters,political woe, high prices etc.
It is not often that somebody does something really nice for you. Rare indeed that anything is done without expectation.So I thought I would share with you a story of GOOD NEWS….
Last year the Baboon Matters bakkie was totally trashed in a car accident.We really needed the vehicle and were hugely disappointed to loose it.Then my own hardworking bakkie died (after a long and bravely fought illness).
In the past 2 months Baboon Matters has dealt with 8 critically injured baboons – only one survived.We were really pushed in our last situation when a young dispersing male took off – without the bakkie we were of minimal help to the already overloaded SPCA. Just getting to and from work has been a nightmare, and getting out to check on the monitors almost impossible. Good news??? Absolutely!
Our dearly loved Juliette Bass took matters in hand and faxed our newsletter to Adam Murry. The newsletter contained an article about the car accident and appeal for help.So Adam, being the star that he is, made a call from the UK.
After speaking to Marlei he made a quick decision to help; organised things with the Murry Foundation and he brought us a new bakkie!!
Many of you won’t have heard of either Adam Murry or Juliette Bass, so you don’t know that these two are really as close to angels as you will find. Both Adam and Juliette have a long history of fighting for causes – for animals, children – music! – to name a few. They are the type of folk who just help, they don’t particularly like fuss or attention – and they certainly don’t want anything in return.
But we at Baboon Matters want to give Juliette and Adam the biggest loudest thanks we can. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. What a wonderful new bakkie!
It is good news indeed!! It has lifted our spirits greatly to receive such a gift. It is hugely appreciated that the practical aspects of getting around – transporting monitors and cages, getting injured baboons to the vet etc -are again taken care of.
But mainly it was such incredible generosity of spirit that has just made us smile – beam!!It is so good know that there are wonderful things all around us – every day. Sometimes the good things are hidden for a while, but they are there waiting to be happen.
And that is why I wanted to share this story with all of you. I hope you day is filled with hope and happiness and that good news stories abound!"
Jenni Trethowan; Baboon Matters.